Sunday, August 1, 2010

Special Sunday Audacity

I don’t usually write over the weekend because I’m so tuckered out from giving your mom just what she needs, but this is a special day so get on the special bus and head to awesome town with me.

First, we want welcome Ale to the end of the bench, he’s first post is the Adam Morrison towel waving goodness that we expect from the bench players of DNP-CD, make sure to check it out, it should be right below this one or go to

Also, Mitch keeps saying he’s going to have something up this weekend, although I see no evidence of it so far, but we an only hope.  I think once he starts writing we will get a government diversity grant for being like 60% Hispanic, 35% Asian and lots of people think I’m Jewish so we’ll go 25% on that front.

But that’s not what we’re here for, we’re here to hype the newest sports podcast to hit the web.  Sklarbro Country by the Sklar brothers.  If any of you remember Cheap Seats from when ESPN Classics was a good station or listen to Rome now and again you will definitely know Randy and Jason.  And the podcast is just what you would expect, the perfect combo of their radio stylings from Rome mixed with their standup and of course Indie rock.

Check it out if just for the great Jerry Jones impression and A’Mare Jewish coming out of the pantry talk.  A solid first offering that I personally hope stays great and is definitely going to being adding it to my podcast schedule.

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