Tuesday, October 26, 2010

On the Google Machine


On today’s google machine we’ve got DANGER and INTRIGUE and NAKED KITTIES

ESPN has broken the news that the World Cup predicting octopus is dead, cephalopod lovers and degenerate gamblers the world over, or at least France over are devastated.

With Leather claims that geeks all over 60 American Colleges will be pretending to play Quidditch at the Quidditch World Cup.  So really this post is directed at Ogre, NERDS!

Since I love the Steelers, love defense and think Christmas Ape is pretty great, head over to D.C. Steeler Nation and hear him defend James Harrison for a bit.

We all love the Charlie Sheen joke of the day, so we are so glad to hear he’s back with the blow and the hos, read all about it at WWTDD

Finally the guys over at Married to the Sea have a picture of your creepy uncle boning a tree, so I’m sure your mom is glad that got out.

And stay tuned later today for sport and a rousing debate about whether 35 minutes of monkey queefs is the ultimate hipster album.

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