Monday, October 11, 2010

On The Google Machine


If these were filled with 4 Loko it would resemble the fridge at our podcast

Welcome to another addition of On the Google Machine our now daily link dump brought to you here at DNP-CD every morning by me and that’s about it because we have no real sponsors.

With Hockey season back we are going to be adding a new blog to the daily read Don We Now Our Gay Apparel a blog dedicated to everyone’s favorite Craig Sager of the Great White North, Don Cherry and his amazingly Canadian wardrobe.

A quick link to our good buddies With Leather as they once again complain about how stupid the BCS is and especially perennial choke artists Ohio St The.

Since we professed out love of Jugallos and Film Drunk many times, why not combined the two and link to FilmDrunk talking about ICP?  Actually there are lots of reasons but here’s the link anyway.

Since everyone at my made up office calls Monday, Mongay check out That's So Gay and their picture gallery of stuff that’s just so gay, I think this specific link is to RDJ as we call him wearing some really tall shoes and doing that “Oh no you he didn’t” face.

And finally, as is necessary every Monday the irreplaceable Big Daddy Drew at KSK breaking down Peter King and with all the Cocktoberfest Brett Favre news lately it’s better than ever.

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